The Burning Issue

Most great things start with a conversation and I hope that a conversation with Toby Parkins of UkNetWeb has started something great.





There are lots of opportunities for business leaders to talk with each other at networking events all over Cornwall (and the rest of the UK, I’m sure) and we attend a lot of them ourselves.

We thought that, although there are lots of these opportunities, there are few chances for leaders to take time out and think about the big, burning issues affecting us today and the issues that will affect us in the future.

We have, therefore, set up a monthly forum for ‘thinkers’ to get together and discuss these issues in a more philosophical way.  We don’t want to talk about the current local issues like transport, superfast broadband and funding issues – there are lots of places these are on the agenda, we want to look at more ‘big picture’ topics.

For example, the first topic is:

The Challenge To Authority And How This Will Affect Businesses

We are seeing an increasing challenge to Authority in the UK. The Police are being challenged by the general public, MPs are losing respect and credibility, Teachers at all levels  are being challenged by students and parents, and Doctors are being challenged by their patients.

This authority may be a legally given as in the case of the police, the democratically given authority to Government, or the intellectual authority that Teachers and Doctors have.  Regardless of where it came from, individuals are changing their expectations of the control they have over their own lives.  How will this affect businesses and organisations in the future?

We aim to keep the groups small, and, by invitation, have different thinkers at each event.

If you’d like to be a part of this, email Martin:


And if you have a topic for discussion please let us know


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