Category: NLP

New NLP Business Practitioner Course Starting April 2024

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be running a new NLP Business Practitioner course starting in April. This will be an in-person course, and will run over five full-day Friday sessions, from 9:30am – 4pm at the FibreHub in Redruth from April to October 2024. Who is the NLP Business Practitioner course for? This course is for … Continue reading New NLP Business Practitioner Course Starting April 2024

Walking Coaching Sessions & The Benefits of Walking For Cognitive Performance

Have you ever noticed that you think more creatively while walking? Maybe you’ve spent hours thinking over a problem or a project, only to go out for a walk and come up with the solution. Walking can have a profound impact on our brain function and creativity, stimulating cognitive processes, boosting our mood, and enhancing … Continue reading Walking Coaching Sessions & The Benefits of Walking For Cognitive Performance

Our New Online Learning Platform is Launching on Monday!

We are thrilled to announce that we’ll be launching our new online learning platform Evolve Online Learning on Monday. We’ve been working on this for almost two years, and are really excited to hear what you think. How it works We’ve packed the platform with hundreds of hours of learning content, from microlearning courses on giving constructive … Continue reading Our New Online Learning Platform is Launching on Monday!

Looking Back on 2021: What’s Next for Evolution?

The end of a year is a great time for reflection – looking back at what worked, what didn’t, what went well and what was difficult – and planning. As we come to the end of 2021, a year that provided us all with lots of challenges and opportunities, we’re spending some time looking back … Continue reading Looking Back on 2021: What’s Next for Evolution?

How I Learned to Love Zoom

I ran my first real life, in-the-same-room, face-to-face training since lockdown recently and I’ve been reflecting on the differences between what I did for 25 years pre-Covid and what I’ve been doing since March 2020: What are the benefits (if any) of Zoom (I’m definitely a Zoom man) and how does it compare with real … Continue reading How I Learned to Love Zoom

Feeling unmotivated and listless after a year of pandemic? That’s languishing

What is languishing and how can you deal with it? Friends and clients I’ve been speaking to over the past few months have all been reporting similar feelings: a lack of motivation, difficulty concentrating, a lack of excitement for the future. It’s no surprise, considering the difficult and disruptive year we’ve all had. If you’ve … Continue reading Feeling unmotivated and listless after a year of pandemic? That’s languishing

What’s Different About the Business Practitioner Course in 2022?

Up until 2020, we always delivered our Business Practitioner course in-person, in groups of five to fifteen people. When the pandemic hit, we had to adapt quickly to a new way of working. For our in-person training and coaching, that meant taking everything online. While we were initially unsure of how well a programme based … Continue reading What’s Different About the Business Practitioner Course in 2022?

Stress is a Good Thing: 5 Tips For Better Stress Management

Stress is probably one of the most common concerns among the clients I coach and businesses I work with. Too much stress can make it hard to enjoy the good things in life, and make it more difficult for us to reach our full potential – it takes up a lot of ‘mental space’ that … Continue reading Stress is a Good Thing: 5 Tips For Better Stress Management

‘This is war!’ How NLP saved an NHS trust £1.6million

Got 10 minutes? If you’ve been considering training for your staff that’ll improve your bottom line, improve communications and result in a happier team, let us tell you a story about Andy, a Chief Procurement Officer for a large NHS trust who saved £600k on a single project using NLP. First, a bit of background. … Continue reading ‘This is war!’ How NLP saved an NHS trust £1.6million

NLP Business Practitioner Course – Starting December 2018

A large proportion of our working life is spent in communicating with and attempting to influence other people. On this course, you will learn how to use Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to enhance and improve the skills you already have. Over 700 people have completed the NLP Business Practitioner course over the last 20 years and … Continue reading NLP Business Practitioner Course – Starting December 2018

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