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Resilience at Work

From an employer’s perspective, a resilient workforce is desirable for a number of reasons: lower staff turnover, better employee satisfaction, and improved performance and attendance. In the last few years there has been a wealth of research on the benefits of resilience at work, and I work with a wide range of organisations to provide resilience training to their staff.

A one-day resilience at work training course delivered to your staff.

What is resilience?

A 1990 study by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in America showed that one-quarter of employees considered their job to be the most significant source of stress in their lives. In an increasingly connected world, the stress of working life is a bigger issue than ever: when things go wrong – as they invariably do – it’s hard to step away from the strain. This has a knock-on effect on our performance, our health, and our motivation. 

It’s impossible to avoid change and challenging situations completely: what we can do is change how we react to them (as we say in NLP: you are in charge of your mind, and therefore your results). Resilience is the ability to bounce back, and it empowers us to take risks, adapt and stay positive in the face of challenges. 

Resilience and NLP

Resilience is an implicit part of the teachings of NLP. NLP advocates resilience through taking back  control in situations where we feel out of control: that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback, that we are in control of the way we respond to any given situation, and that we have the resources available within us to deal with challenges.

If you’re interested in how resilience training could improve your bottom line and give you a more productive, happier workforce (usually delivered over a half-day or one-day course), please fill out the form below.

To help us identify more closely the areas you are interested in please select one or more from the following:
Interaction Engineering
Procurement Dynamics
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