Category: Uncategorised

5 Lessons from Walking for 24 Hours

At the end of May I walked for 24 hours straight along the Cornish coast path to raise money for my hockey club. The plan was to set off at 9pm, and walk through the night and all the next day, finishing at 9pm the following day. Although I like walking, it would be the … Continue reading 5 Lessons from Walking for 24 Hours

About the NLP Business Practitioner Course

As I’ve just announced the dates for the next NLP Business Practitioner Course, I thought I’d talk a bit about the content of the course and answer some common questions. The course uses NLP techniques to change the way you approach your work and personal life. You’ll get a broad understanding of the basic principles … Continue reading About the NLP Business Practitioner Course

The importance of follow-up coaching

Stop me if this sounds familiar: you’ve attended a great workshop or a couple of days’ training and returned to work full of inspiration. You’re going to revolutionise the way you manage your time, communicate with others and prioritise your tasks. But first, you’ve got to clear your inbox, answer the phone, and catch up … Continue reading The importance of follow-up coaching

Why is resilience at work important?

A 1990 study by the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention in America showed that one-quarter of employees considered their job to be the most significant source of stress in their lives. In an increasingly connected world, the stress of working life is a bigger issue than ever: when things go wrong – as they … Continue reading Why is resilience at work important?

NLP and Civility at Work

How to boost staff performance, client enthusiasm and improve your bottom line. If I told you there was a behaviour that happens in pretty much every workplace around the world, that causes a 20% drop in performance in those who witness it, reduces staff time at work by up to 48% and causes client enthusiasm … Continue reading NLP and Civility at Work

Quit Smoking for Good

Quitting smoking is hard. Most smokers have tried quitting once, twice, or a hundred times, but ended up falling back into old patterns. You might be waiting for the right time to quit, or just telling yourself you’ll get to it ‘someday’. If you’re waiting for the right time, here’s your sign – do it … Continue reading Quit Smoking for Good

How to Choose an NLP Business Trainer

If you’re considering undertaking an NLP training, the first step is choosing the right trainer. Each trainer is different, and experience levels, training styles and background can really vary.  If you’re not sure how to go about selecting the NLP business trainer that’s right for you, here’s a quick guide to get you started. Choosing … Continue reading How to Choose an NLP Business Trainer

What I Learned at the NLP International Conference

Well, I’ve had some time to reflect on my experience at the ANLP International conference – the first one I’ve presented at – and I thought I’d share some of the insights I picked up over the weekend. I arrived on Saturday, checked in and went to get a cup of tea, and was approached … Continue reading What I Learned at the NLP International Conference

Our Top 5 Productivity Tips

Productivity is closely linked to time management: good time management is one of the best ways to be productive and stay on track. Essentially productivity = efficiency. It’s the measure of how much output you’re getting from the work you’re putting in. It’s about working smarter, not harder: finding ways of working that will allow … Continue reading Our Top 5 Productivity Tips

The Benefits of Online Courses

With over 20 years’ experience teaching NLP and business skills to individuals and corporate clients, we know the value of getting time away from the office and your everyday job-list to focus on developing your skills. However, sometimes you just don’t have the time available to commit to a longer course. That’s where online courses … Continue reading The Benefits of Online Courses

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