Category: Presenting

Our New Online Learning Platform is Launching on Monday!

We are thrilled to announce that we’ll be launching our new online learning platform Evolve Online Learning on Monday. We’ve been working on this for almost two years, and are really excited to hear what you think. How it works We’ve packed the platform with hundreds of hours of learning content, from microlearning courses on giving constructive … Continue reading Our New Online Learning Platform is Launching on Monday!

How I Learned to Love Zoom

I ran my first real life, in-the-same-room, face-to-face training since lockdown recently and I’ve been reflecting on the differences between what I did for 25 years pre-Covid and what I’ve been doing since March 2020: What are the benefits (if any) of Zoom (I’m definitely a Zoom man) and how does it compare with real … Continue reading How I Learned to Love Zoom

Become a More Successful Salesperson Using NLP

You work hard to grow your business. You have created a fantastic product or service unrivalled by your competitors. You have created something that can truly help people but you are struggling to sell. Sales can often be seen as pushy, aggressive and perhaps even dishonest – which can make you feel uncomfortable. If you … Continue reading Become a More Successful Salesperson Using NLP

The Presenter’s Toolkit- Improve Your Presentation & Communication Skills

  We are constantly selling. If we are not selling a product or a service we are selling an idea or a point of view or even yourself. The Presenter’s Toolkit equips you to design and deliver winning presentations, whether that is a 90-second elevator pitch, a long conference presentation, a short review meeting with … Continue reading The Presenter’s Toolkit- Improve Your Presentation & Communication Skills

How To Deliver a Winning Presentation in a Muddy Field

We went to the Port Eliot Festival recently and had a great time watching a mix of bands, discussions and presentations by a wide range of writers and performers. They definitely showed how to deliver a winning presentation in a muddy field and I’d like to share some of my reflections with you so you … Continue reading How To Deliver a Winning Presentation in a Muddy Field

So What Exactly Is Interaction Engineering?

Interaction Engineering: The action of working artfully to create something of value when two or more people communicate with each other. We know that how the people who make up a business all work together, understand each other and communicate is as important as how software packages interact or a production line functions. People are … Continue reading So What Exactly Is Interaction Engineering?

How To Avoid Death By Powerpoint – (while still using it)

Like most people, I have been subjected to death by PowerPoint over the years, one memorable occasion was when a one hour Health and Safety presentation overran by 40 minutes and consisted of 75 slides with full of closely spaced text. Don’t get me wrong, I love PowerPoint and use it a lot.  I grew … Continue reading How To Avoid Death By Powerpoint – (while still using it)

Taking the Stress out of Presenting

I have lost count of the number of presentations I have delivered over the years but, whether I am presenting to a small group of people or a full auditorium, I have never forgotten how it felt in those early days; the racing heart, the clammy palms, hands shaking too much to hold notes… And, … Continue reading Taking the Stress out of Presenting

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