Tag: linguistics

NLP And Procurement

By Andy McMinn.

Andy will be speaking at the NLP @ Work Conference at the National Marine Aquarium on the 30th March

Andy is currently Head of Procurement and Logistics at Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust and is a qualified procurement and engineering professional with learned experience of lean and six sigma.  Andy has worked in both the Public and Private sectors leading multi disciplined procurement teams and projects in fast moving, complex and challenged environments.  He is currently responsible for a team of forty eight and in excess of £150m non pay expenditure.


Andy says “Many professionals from new disciplines such as Procurement and Marketing struggle when communicating ideas and proposals of how their skills can help improve the businesses they work for.  Procurements message can be very technical and direct which when spoken can switch off the listener and break rapport.  Many times have I heard emotive client statements like “Why do I need you, I can buy it from Tesco’s cheaper” or “I just want to buy what I want”.  Others also told me they had experienced this same client resistance and struggled with communication difficulties for many years in their own organisations.


I often wondered “What strategies have other professionals like me developed to overcome these issues?”

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