Announcing Our New Blog

We have created a Blog which you will be able to find on our website.

We will use this to post News items, publish articles about all sorts of subjects related to Personal and Corporate Development and start (and take part) in discussions on a multitude of subjects.

You will be able to contribute to discussions by adding your thoughts to the box below the posting.  These postings will be moderated by us before they are published in the Blog.  We found that our Forum was continually overloaded with Spam and we spent a lot of time removing it each day.   Hopefully this won’t happen with the Blog but please bear with us – it may take a little time to post your contributions.

You will soon also be able to subscribe to the Blog which means that you will receive email alerts of postings as they occur.

We’re really excited by our new Blog and we hope you will find it interesting, entertaining and useful.


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