Tag: spirit of adventure

How To Develop Your Leaders And Help The Community At The Same Time

By Martin Crump.

Martin is a Director and co-founder of Evolution.  He is a certified NLP Master Trainer with a wealth of experience of working with organisations of all sizes and types across the UK.



For a business to be successful it has to sell it’s products or services for more than it costs to supply these goods or services – it’s that simple.

Simple, but not easy.  The world is changing, and that pace of change is getting faster and faster.  Changes in technology, communication processes, employees expectations, globalisation and the job market itself, mean that the way we used to manage our businesses needs to change.  We need to be much more flexible and innovative just to keep pace with our competitors.  Leading, rather than managing is the way to increase flexibility and get the best out of all our resources – including the workforce. Read More

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