Tag: Leadership Development

A Launch (and a lunch) With A Difference

By Martin Crump.

Martin is a Director and co-founder of Evolution.  He is a certified NLP Master Trainer with a wealth of experience of working with organisations of all sizes and types across the UK.




An Invitation


Please join us at River Dart Country Park on Monday 2nd April from 11am to 2 pm to help us launch Outside In, a unique Leadership programme developed by Evolution Personal And Corporate Development Ltd.










This launch will introduce the programme, the reason for using this unique approach and will introduce the ShelterBox Dartmoor Challenge – a key element of the Outside In programme.

You will be introduced to the programme’s content, hear about the Dartmoor Challenge and get a chance to try out some typical activities from the Dartmoor Challenge (nothing strenuous though).

There is no charge and we will provide refreshments and an interesting lunch.

Please bring boots or wellies and a waterproof in case the April weather is not kind.

Please contact Jeni on 01872 555939 to book your place or click here for more information




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